ercyOne Des Moines’ Cardiac Rehab program is designed for people who are recovering from a heart-related event such as a heart attack, Open-heart cardiac surgery (bypass and/or valve), angioplasty, or stents, as well as congestive heart failure and peripheral vascular disease.
Cardiac Rehabilitation is ordered and highly recommended by a physician and is designed to help men and women with cardiovascular disease improve their quality of life. The staff includes registered nurses, certified exercise specialists and dietitians.
Working together with you and your doctor, our cardiac rehab staff will design an individualized recovery plan of cardiac rehabilitation exercises, education and medical treatment. Our program builds on dietary, stress management and exercise guidelines. Your families and friends are invited to share in this learning experience.
Phase I: Begins during hospitalization. Daily exercise is performed with a member of the cardiac rehab staff. Cardiac education, home activity and exercise guidelines are given and discussed with the patient and family.
Phase II:
Our Phase II program continues the cardiac rehabilitation exercises and educational program you started while in the hospital. Here you will be learning and practicing an exercise program you will continue for the rest of your life. As a Phase II patient, you will come to cardiac rehab two to three days a week for six to 12 weeks.
During your session, our team will guide you through a program of cardiac rehab exercise training. A variety of equipment is available to meet your needs. As you exercise and cool down, the cardiac rehab staff will closely monitor your heart rhythm, heart rate and blood pressure.
In addition to learning how to exercise properly, our team will assist you in an individualized educational plan. Topics will include diet, sexual activity, stress management, smoking, medications and returning to your hobbies and/or occupation.
For the convenience of our patients in the Des Moines area, Phase II cardiac rehab is offered on the MercyOne Des Moines main campus as well as the MercyOne Iowa Heart Center in West Des Moines.
You can benefit from cardiac rehab if you:
- Have stable angina
- Have had a heart attack
- Have had bypass/valve surgery or a balloon catheter (PTCA)
- Have had stent placement
- Have congestive heart failure
- Have had a heart transplant
- Have peripheral vascular disease (PVD)
Education classes are offered weekly during your exercise sessions. Classes that are provided to help reinforce lifestyle changes include: risk factors, stress management, diet/nutrition and exercise.
Getting Involved
Your provider will sign a doctor's order for you to participate. The cardiac rehab staff contacts you to schedule your initial appointment. The sessions are approximately one hour long, meeting either two or three days per week. The program usually lasts for 6-12 weeks, depending on each individual’s activity level.
For more information about cardiac rehab services in the Des Moines area, call 515-247-4310.
Your local area hospital may also have cardiac rehab services as well.